
3 Minutes Cardio of Choice

– Into –

3 Minutes Self Directed Stretching and Foam Rolling

– Into –

30 Seconds Work / 5 Seconds Rest

Side to Side Leg Swings Right
Side to Side Leg Swings Left
Dynamic Squats
Inchworms to Downward Doog
Band Lat Pull Downs
Band Overhead Press

Conditioning Warm-Up

5 Minutes to Do 1-3 Rounds of WOD Warm-up

5 Toes to Bar
5 Db Snatches Work up to Working Weight
3 Burpees Over Db


10 Rounds

Teams of 4 ~ Split Reps


40 Toes to Bar
40 DB Snatches (50/35)
40 Burpees Over DB


40 Knees to Chest
40 DB Snatches (35/25)
40 Burpees Over DB


40 Knee Raises
40 Db Snatches
40 Burpees Over Db